
wgfull 2


Seeing daffodils or buttercups in late winter or early spring is usually  indicative that a gardener once lived at the site, the house long gone.  In the case of this house, it was torn down for its bricks and was known locally as Walnut Grove. A month or so later, I went back to the site and there were narcissus blooming, a variety called Twin Sisters. I couldn’t find any history about it online and maybe someone will see this post and know. There are more photos of it somewhere in my photo library of negatives and digital cards but I just haven’t found them yet.  As you can tell from the photo, these were two houses built at different times and also displaying the style of that period with a passageway between both.  Additions to houses are normally built on the back side an ell. For whatever reason, the owners decided to build another, distinct house.  I can’t remember exactly which is the older house, but I think it’s the one the right. One of them had these interesting arched windows with insets of brick I had never seen anything like it before and have to yet see it again. The brick corbelling on the cornice is very decorative.  With such attention to detail, the people that built this house were well-to-do and probably tobacco farmers since that was the cash crop back in the 18th and 19th centuries. As usual, I didn’t have an opportunity to take more photos of this house because it was torn down not long after these photos were taken.





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