A Ghost Town and A Witch

Since it’s nearly Halloween, this particular posting is certainly fitting.  One of the most famous haunting in the US is the Bell Witch.  If you’ve not heard of her, there’s all sorts of info. about her on the internet.  All the serious stuff occurred nearly 200 years ago over a 3 or 4 year period.  Supposedly, Andrew Jackson even came and checked it out and he wasn’t disappointed. His visit, however, was never substantiated by a reliable source.

Less than a mile away, is Adams, TN.  It’s become a ghost town with a few deteriorating buildings.   Highway 41 which runs through Adams was a major thoroughfare for traveling between Chicago and Florida.  After the construction of Interstates 24 and 65, people no longer came through so the town slowly declined which happened to so many.  Because of the infamous Bell Witch, Adams has had a small resurgence due to people coming to the Bell Witch cave to catch a glimpse of an apparition or capture an EVP.

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